The below forms must be completed to rent our facility.
Each form must be signed and fully completed
1. BDR Rental Agreement (click this one to complete online)
Click BDR Rental Agreement to download and complete. Email the completed application to bookersduderanch259@gmail.com or mail to PO BOX 1094, HENDERSON TX 75653. Your booking is not complete until all fees are paid and your rental application has been approved.
If you are due a refund of your deposit, it will be returned to you via Cashapp or paper check.

Please read all of the policies and rules prior to booking. It is YOUR responsibility to read and understand all of the policies BEFORE you sign the agreement.
If you have any questions or special requests, please email us at bookersduderanch259@gmail.com.
Be sure to read the Deposit and Refund policies. Last minute bookings are subject to Rush Fees of $300/day. No refunds on bookings.
Chasaty Rainer & Michael Rainer, Owners
Booking Selections
Booking Selections
Compare our Booking Selections and choose the package that suits your needs.
For concerts, public events, secured events, and day-time events, please contact us for pricing.
Decorating Day
There is a fee of $300/day (8 hours) to add on an additional day prior to your event for decorating.
Take Down Day
There is a fee of $300 if an additional day is needed to take down your decorations and restore the building back to its pre-rental condition.